Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another good long time.

It's been awhile since I've posted anything about Damonito. He's doing well.
 He's still having regular grand mal seizures. But his medication seems to be keeping all the other seizures in check.

He's in second grade and takes the bus to school every morning.

He's incredibly sweet.  He loves to give hugs. He'll take your arms and slip them around his waist.

Damonito still has a feeding tube but it is solely used for his medication. He's eating all of his meals and drinking all fluids by mouth. We go out for walks. Elmo is still his favorite. He's been watching Dora the Explorer lately. Because of his OCD he still loves to tear paper (if you need some confetti, he's your man). He still stacks blocks. He's doing well.

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