Whenever I visit Damonito, at some point during the visit he'll pull up my shirt sleeve to make sure that my tattoo is still there. He pats it and usually says, "ahhhhhhhh." Damon has a couple of tattoos too, Damonito does the same thing to him. Pats him on the arm and says, "ahhhhhhh."

Damon has his name tattooed on his arm and Damonito loves to look at it. He may recognize the letters as the letters in his name. It's hard to say.
We have a "Damon" stamp for his paperwork. Stuff coming from school and the hospital. It keeps the mounds of paperwork straight.
For fun, Damon will stamp Damonito's arm with his name. He smiles. He's very proud of his "tattoo." I don't know if he recognizes his name but it seems like he knows there's a connection.