It was a good summmer which rolled into a good fall. In the never ending quest for the perfect medication to end all epilepsy medications for Damonito yet another drug was introduced. Sabril or vigabatrin was the latest attempt.
It lasted 4 days, sending Damonito into status and to the hospital where he spent a few days.
He's off Sabril, which wasn't such a sacrifice given the fact that the side effects included permanent visual impairment. Tunnel vision in 25% of adult users so severe that they had only 10% of their field of vision. It seems like the worst side effects of a drug always seem t effect Damonito in the worst way.
Before sending him into status it was causing him to have spasms or constant twitching. He had something that we can only describe as a panic attack. It's hard to know. Plus, Sabril causes liver damage and dental issues.
So it was back to Dilantin and he's feeling better. I didn't see a single seizure on Thanksgiving. It was a welcome change.
I haven't posted for awhile so I'm sharing some photos from the past couple of months.