A couple of weeks ago I got a real treat and I got to go to Damonito's school. He loves school. He has lots of kids with disabilities to play with and learn from. Nicole was with me and when we arrived, he was having P.E. A teacher came in and the kids got to play basketball. Damonito is pretty good at it. He has great motor skills. We could hear him "talking" and laughing, Damonito has only a few word vocabulary but it's such a joy to hear him speak. Nicole and I had to hide in the office and watch through the window because if he'd seen us, it would have ended there. It was great to see him having so much fun.

Damonito's cognitive skills are at about an 12-18 month level. This summer when I got to hang out with his 7 month old cousin, Calder, I could see some similar repetitive behaviors, they both are very tactile and like to rub and scratch things with their fingers. Damonito will probably never talk in sentences but it's wonderful to hear him learn a new word. I think he understands what we are saying to him, he totally gets it when you say "gimme five!"
He continues to have grand mal seizures each week which can keep him home from school. He's a happy boy with no fear and a ton of determination.