I have this tendency, when things aren't going my way or when something particularly sad happens, to make a B-line to spend some quality time with Damonito. He humbles me. And nothing matters as much as he does. Not a bad day at work. Not a relationship fallen apart. Not the price of gas. Not global warming. My full focus is on him.

And he is incredibly happy.
He has no idea what's in store for him. He doesn't know what it means that he'll never really know the beauty of the sunset, that he'll never ride a bike. He'll never understand words on a page. He'll never go off to college. He'll never walk down the aisle and say "I do." But he's incredibly happy. So when I'm about to throw myself a pity party, I go hang out with Damonito and he brings me back to reality. He loves me and he's always happy to see me. And if he wants me to be a chair for him, I'll be a chair.

At this very moment, he's happy. His life is grand. I live with so much more than he could ever dream. So I need to appreciate everything I have today because I have no idea what's in store either.
photo by Joe